Should My Kitchen Cabinet Pull Match My Faucet?
Aug 04, 2023

Should My Kitchen Cabinet Pull Match My Faucet?

Considering the smallest of the things in your kitchen will help you achieve the desired look. Everything has to be sketched and designed with utmost care as it is not a frequent investment. Also, one fixture has to complement another to make the entire space look flawless. Kitchen cabinet pulls are one of the small elements that are not given much attention and importance.

If you are constructing a new home or renovating your old kitchen take time to pay attention to understand every detail to achieve a flawless look including the hardware, colors, and faucets. A look at the best kitchen faucet reviews will help you to understand the faucets better.

This article will help you get a brief idea of whether you should choose a cabinet pull that matches your faucet.

What Is A Kitchen Cabinet Pull?

A kitchen cabinet pull is a fixture that comes attached to the drawers and cabinets to pull them out. Kitchen cabinet professionals believe that a kitchen cabinet pull has the potential to transform the entire look and feel of the kitchen. Cabinet pulls offer a great level of comfort for those using kitchen drawers.

Should Cabinet Pull And Faucet Be Of The Same Style?

The cabinet pull of the kitchen should go well with the faucet. If they are of the same finish, material, and patterns, the overall look of the kitchen space can be elevated. The investment will be worth it only if all the fixtures match each other. It also depends on the style of the kitchen and the interior decor. Few models of kitchen demand fixtures to be installed in similar colors and patterns whereas few interior styles demands of contrast colors and patterns.

Properties To Be Considered While Choosing The Pull And Faucet


Faucet and kitchen cabinet pulls can be chosen from the same material to enhance the look. If you are choosing a faucet made of stainless steel, adding a cabinet pull made of stainless steel will complement each other and make the kitchen area look perfect.

Expert tip: Choose a faucet first as the faucet is a fixture that is put to more use. Consider a material that suits your lifestyle and then choose a cabinet pull accordingly.


The final gloss that a fixture attains is the finish. Polished, chrome, nickel, and matte are the widely used finishes for kitchen fixtures. If a kitchen cabinet pull is chosen with the same finish as a faucet, the overall appearance will be astonishing. If you are unable to find one of the same finish in kitchen cabinet pulls, one similar to them will suffice.

Expert tip: Finding a kitchen cabinet pull with a finish as same as the faucet may be hard. Ask your carpenter to get the pulls done in the same finish if the numbers are high.

Matching Ideas Based On The Style Of The Kitchen

1.Modern Kitchen

A modern kitchen space works on the minimalist philosophy. They are simple yet classy. The fixtures that are placed in a modern kitchen are minimal without much decoration. Few prefer ultramodern fixtures with a simple finish for a modern kitchen. Pastel colors are completely against the idea of the modern kitchen. Ensure to choose a contrasting faucet and a pull if you are looking to achieve an ultra-modern look. A minimalist modern kitchen can be fixed with the same patterned and colored faucet and pull.

2.Contemporary Kitchen

A hidden rule of a contemporary kitchen is the mandatory presence of stainless steel fixtures. Faucets made of stainless steel can be purchased. If you are not satisfied with stainless steel, a mixture of materials will also well suit the contemporary kitchen. Kitchen cabinet pulls made of stainless steel can be purchased and a faucet made of other materials can be set up.

3.Mediterranean Kitchen

A unique style of the kitchen that uses bold and bright colors to keep the space filled with a vibe. Straight lines are completely against the idea of the Mediterranean style. Investing in a line-patterned cabinet pull for a Mediterranean-style kitchen will spoil the basic idea behind the kitchen.

4.Traditional Kitchen

Being simple and neutral is the concept that lies behind a traditional kitchen. The faucet and the kitchen cabinet pull can be chosen to have the simplicity feature. As the traditional kitchen usually features simple cabinets, a simple cabinet pull will suit them well. A faucet that matches the cabinet pull will complete the look.


Choosing kitchen hardware is a tedious process. Possessing a thorough knowledge of every minute factor will help you to achieve the anticipated look. Seeking expert advice is one of the best ways to excel. Kitchen faucet brands should also be considered when choosing them. Concentrating only on looks will be a compromise on quality. Hope our article helped you gain a better understanding.

If you have any questions regarding the same, feel free to contact us. We are ready round the clock to offer you with clarity solutions.

Disclaimer - The images inside the article were collected from the internet. We do not own any of them.

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